I love storms...
I love the way our almost perpetually sunny weather can suddenly turn violent and rough. I get a thrill every time I look out my window and see a sheet of rain moving quickly and enveloping the Makati skyscrapers in a fog. I enjoy watching the sky turn ominous with fat gray clouds and the wind becoming chilly as it gets laden with moisture.
I love rainy weather but only when I don't have to leave my house.
This must be a holdover from my school days when bad weather was rejoiced by millions of students for the brief respite it will provide from the drudgery of school. As a young girl I would wake up with a shiver of pleasure whenever the weather dropped below 20 degrees (this happened more in the past decade). A delicious feeling of anticipation would overcome me as I waited for my yaya to come into my room and announce that there would be no classes.
I long for those days, when pleasure could be gained from such simple events as a little rain. These days, with my work time flexible and not really having to follow a strict schedule (perks of being freelance!) I can no longer enjoy days like these. Rarely does the weather turn bad enough to affect the corporate world and when it does, the responsibilities of adulthood do not disappear, bills still have to be paid and deadlines met.
So even though I know the super storm "yoyong" brought much tragedy and destruction to the world, I am taking a tiny bit a joy from the fact that once more, for a brief moment, I could relive the anticipation and joy stormy days bring into my busy life.
Dark clouds, grey skies... a storm brewing!