Monday, November 24, 2003
I love trees, they give me hope and warmth that permeate my soul and inspire me to look around, breathe and appreciate life. Every person needs something magical in their life, my life's magic comes from my long standing love affair with one of the most glorious and noble creations of mother nature, trees... It is beneath the shade of a tree that Buddha found his enlightenment and to this day many aspire to find theirs in similar spots around the world. I have tried many times to find peace, balance and insight beneath the shade of majestic trees and I have never walked away disappointed. This title speaks of my continuing search for enlightenment, my journey through life directed at learning more about myself and living out my potentials. To those who know me, I hope it is evident through our encounters how I constantly seek for truth, logic and light. I hope this journal will bring inspiration to those who chance upon it, for goodness knows I will not be giving it out freely, or even momentary amusement as they watch a human spirit defiantly try to ride through the rough winds of life. Mostly, this is for me, as selfish as it may sound, this journal is for my personal growth, and my satisfaction at seeing my work posted out there in the wide world of the internet. So to anyone reading this, prepare yourself for a roller coaster ride through neurotic obsessions and a twisted, but optimistic, view of the world. |
I sit beneath the enchanted tree Patiently waiting for enlightenment And if in this lifetime I do succeed I will retire in utter contentment. |